EXCELLENCE is our way of business. We will always assert excellence as well as the upmost professionalism in our conduct, our business, and our services. Even though we've been in business successfully for over 7 years, we are still growing, learning, & evolving. Believe it or not, things still happen that catch us off guard, take the wind out of our sail, or even some things that happen just to remind us to stay humble, yet hungry. We have to remember that Above All has a standard to uphold as well as a brand to protect, so there are some things that we aren't going to do just to get money. However, there are some pro photographers who will do anything, promise anything, freely photograph anything, and even attempt to defame (slander) another pro photographer's name or business just to get business (coins, if you will). If that's their way, cool: let them get their hustle on. But don't HATE on us because that's not the way we operate. We believe we have what's called, INTEGRITY. After all, we are ABOVE ALL. We believe that God sends us who He wants us to have as clients. It's our namesake - paraphrased from Eph. 3:20, "He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, ABOVE ALL anything we could ever ask for or think." We don't think that we are ABOVE ALL anyone in an arrogant sense, but our GOD is and He thinks we are to die for. We believe and have often said that the only competition we have is the photographers we were yesterday. Keep studying and growing!!! Our work speaks for itself, but every now and then we toot our on horn by saying & proving that WE ARE the BEST photographers in this area!!! TRUST!!! Even though we believe in building customer/client loyalty, we understand that consumers have choices. If they choose to go elsewhere, BRAVO!!! They can because it's their prerogative and could possibly be that client who may have came but wasn't sent - problem avoided, thank GOD!!! We've also had some clients come to us from other photographers - more blessings!!! Thank You JESUS!!! Either way, God gets the Glory!!! So, at the end of the day, for us, it's just BUSINESS!!! Don't take it personal!!!